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M is a 6 yr old girl who loves animals and stories
R is a 4 yr old girl who loves rainbows and dancing

K is a 2 yr old girl who loves to laugh

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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

all is not well

There's nothing worse than sick children except maybe having sick children while you are sick too. This is our second weak of illnesses in the house. TJ got it first and then passed it to the kids, one at a time. On the one hand, it's nice to deal with one child at a time throwing up. On the other, I'd like to get it over with.

And I am sick too. * squeak * I was having a major gluten reaction, which started as feverish, achy skin and extreme fatigue and a strange rash on my arm and then left me with a sore throat and a cough and no voice. It laid me out for about 5 days, but now, I am actually getting much better. * cough *

Now that R is starting to eat a little, M is curled up on the couch with her throw-up bag. This virus seems to last about 4 days, so as she has just started last night, life will be very miserable for us. 

Yesterday was TJ's birthday. His birthday wish for next year is that nobody throws up.

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